Key Links
Key Links moves ‘best literacy practice’ to the next level and supports a literacy approach which includes shared reading, guided reading, and Independent reading.
Note to our American customers: Key Links has been re-branded in your market to Rigby JillE Literacy. You can go to our publishing partner, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for more information or visit JillELit.com
Whole-Class Reading
Shared Books
The shared books that have proven to work the best for this approach are those that have a chunk of rhythmical, rhyming text that beats its way through the book. As this approach is whole class, the books chosen for shared reading need to be at the interest level of the students and therefore appropriate to their age or class level.
Key Links has shared books that are appropriate for this approach. These books incorporate a panel that guides the teacher in how to use this approach with success.
Poetry is an essential part of any literacy programme and forms an integral part of the shared reading approach. It works in a similar way to shared books. The Key Links Poetry cards are large format cards with the poem on one side and a suggested 5 day focus plan on the back. These cards also come with online resources for the classroom which include audio of the poems, printable blackline masters and digital versions of each poem. These are available here for those schools that have purchased the cards.
Small-Group Instruction
Reading is the product of two cognitive elements — language comprehension and decoding. Reading instruction therefore must focus on both language comprehension and the art of decoding. The art of decoding ensures that words are read accurately. Inaccurate and non-fluent decoding impacts negatively on reading comprehension. You cannot read if you can’t decode accurately, however you cannot learn to read by just learning to decode.
In order to decode print, students need phonemic awareness skills and phonic knowledge.
The second edition of Key Links uniquely combines the processes of decoding and language comprehension.
Students are exposed to every link in the literacy chain through
actively thinking and talking about what and how they read
being explicitly exposed to comprehension and processing strategies in a systematic way
practising flow, expression and phrasing in their oral reading
reading titles that are carefully scaffolded to build and reinforce vocabulary and letter–sound relationships.
For the teacher and care-giver there are
GUIDE NOTES provided at the beginning of each book
FOCUS PANELS on every spread which provide a classroom to home link to help ensure parents and teachers are ‘on the same page’ if books are taken home.
carefully sequenced titles to scaffold and reinforce literacy skills and strategies including: letter-sound relationships, high-frequency words, vocabulary, punctuation, reading fluency, processing skills and comprehension strategies.
Note: The Key Links colour levels have been mapped below to correlate with the following levelling systems: CEFR — Common European Framework of Reference, FP — Fountas/Pinnell, DRA — Developmental Reading Assessment, RR — Reading Recovery™ and school grade level. It should be noted that this is only an approximate guide and teachers are encouraged to freely adjust this correlation according to their personal evaluation and professional judgment.
Key Links Small-Group Instruction
Key Links Small-Group Instruction

Key Links Fluency

Key Links — Upper Level Fluency
Independent Reading
In order for small-group instruction to be successful, independent reading must be established. Independent reading is a vital component of any reading programme. It allows the students to practise their reading competencies and to read at their own pace. It builds and reinforces vocabulary, helps comprehension and promotes fluency.
Global Ed have also developed small group independent reading resources using the reciprocal teaching approach. Under the Key Links banner these resources are known as Key Links Peer Reading. These same resources are also called Connectors. Read more about Connectors.
Key Links Writing
Key Links Writing is now available in digital card form. These can be purchased from our shop.